Living Water Community’s Fundraising Charity Tournament (2022 Edition)

Caribbean Airlines partners with NGOs like the Living Water Community who help to make a difference in the lives of people

Caribbean Airlines supported the Living Water Community’s (LWC) 15th  Annual Charity Golf Tournament aimed at raising funds to keep its community based outreach programmes, targeting socially displaced persons and other underprivileged individuals,  going.

Based in Trinidad, this non-governmental organisation presents a lifeline to  many persons in need through initiatives such as its:

-Ave Maria Caring Centre (For over 30 years, the LWC  has been reaching out to destitute men and women  through its  Caring Centre on Duncan Street, in the heart of the city of Port-of-Spain, providing them with  nourishing meals , along with a shower and change of clothing)

-Eye Clinic  (Prescription glasses are provided FREE OF CHARGE to elderly persons 65 years as well as to children ages 8-10 years who need glasses but cannot afford them)

-Bethany House Foodbank ( The Food for the Poor organization, based in Florida, USA, ships container-loads of rice, soya, cornmeal, beans, clothing, etc. and the  LWC acts as a distribution centre to supply religious and non-religious organisations throughout Trinidad and Tobago with much needed food items).

In photo (centre)  the LWC’s  team member Ian Camacho poses with members of the winning team (National Team Canners) from left Chris Woodhams and Jeremy Matouk (right) . The winners walked away with One (1) return ticket each for travel between Trinidad and Curacao, courtesy Caribbean Airlines .