Caribbean Community

(People & Investment)

Caribbean Airlines is always looking for ways to invest in our communities to ensure long-term sustainability and socio-economic development.
In keeping with our corporate social responsibility initiatives, we endeavor to support projects that positively impact our communities and by extension the environment.


Charities Supported


Cargo Donated

Caribbean Airlines in the Community

As a responsible corporate citizen Caribbean Airlines is keen to connect with people  and invest in  communities in all the destinations we serve.

Over the years the airline has  supported various charity-based NGO’s which aim to provide relief to the poor and assist other at risk  or marginalized groups in the communities in which they operate.

Caribbean Airlines also supports legitimate  fundraising activities undertaken by organisations  with a track record of making a difference in the lives of people, and empowering communities.

Some organisations that have received support from the airline to date include:

-Global Foundation First Responders

-Urban League of Broward County

-The Sir Victor Sassoon Foundation

-The Living Water Community

-The Rapid Fire Kidz Foundation

-The Cotton Tree Foundation

-The Shelter for Battered Women

-The Freely Give Foundation

-The Mustard Seed Foundation

Caribbean Airlines remains committed to :

  • Building strong partnerships and alliances with community organisations whose values are aligned with those of Caribbean Airlines.
  • Building capacity through education and investment in the local community
  • Enabling  and utilising our employees as agents of change
Dionne Ligoure

Caribbean Airlines Head of Corporate Communications, hands over school supplies to Ms. Jeselle Cox Founder of the Freely Give Foundation, at Caribbean Airline’s Head Office in Piarco.

Ms. Jeselle Cox

Founder of the Freely Give Foundation

Ms. Nneka Wilson

Corporate Communications Coordinator presents schools supplies to Kizzy Monsegue, President of the Caribbean Women’s group

Kizzy Monsegue

President of the Caribbean Women’s group

A representative of the North Coast Foundation

collects stationery supplies donated by CAL

Community Partnership

In photos left to right representatives from the Wendy Francis Foundation, The FairWind Foundation (Tobago), and the CRCRCDP(Caribbean Respect Campaign and Regionally Community Development Programme) collect their donations.

In 2023 Caribbean Airlines relaunched both its stationery and Christmas toy drive post c0vid-19. These initiatives were supported by the airline’s employees who dug deep into their pockets and gave generously to make both drives a success. The airline in turn partnered with a number of community based organisaitons and homes to donate toys to children in need across Trinidad and Tobago.

Also, for the very first time, Caribbean Airlines  donated toys to disadvantaged children residing at the Red Cross Convalescent Home in Guyana, thanks to the generosity of our employees based in  the beautiful south American nation!