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Caribbean Airlines Supports ‘International Girls in ICT’ Day (2023 Edition)

By May 29, 2023May 31st, 2023Caribbean Careers

The “Girls in ICT and the Boys who support them” programme is evolving!

Caribbean Airlines  participated in the ‘International Girls in ICT and Boys who support them’,  virtual  segment on April 27, 2023. The session was streamed live and targeted various  audience segments among them students,  educators  and leaders, locally and  across the region.

The airline’s  panel of presenters  comprised of members from its  IT department among them  : Hari Kumar, Caribbean Airlines’ Head of Information Technology (not pictured), Hannah Abdool, Arielle Khan, Duane Swift and Ginnette Baldeosingh (not pictured).

The International Girls in ICT Day is celebrated  annually on the fourth Thursday in April to create awareness on the need for more girls and women  to pursue careers in the information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector.

In Trinidad  the Restore a Sense of I Can (RSC) non-profit organisation  has been organising ‘Girls in ICT’  events  for the past six (6) years,   in collaboration with  the Caribbean Association of Principals of Secondary Schools (CAPSS).

Since the advent of the pandemic, the RSC has adopted a hybrid approach hosting both physical and virtual sessions to commemorate “International Girls in ICT day”, and has been successful  in expanding its reach.

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