"We are keen to make a positive difference"

Caribbean Airlines successfully relaunched its ‘Back-to School Stationery drive’ this year and partnered with a number of community-based organisations to distribute much needed supplies to youths and children in need of assistance in Trinidad and Tobago and throughout the airline’s network.
The airline further commends and applauds its staff members for their generous contributions which helped make the drive a success. The initiative resumed this year following a three-year hiatus due to the global pandemic.
Non-for-profit Organisations recently partnering with Caribbean Airlines to distribute school supplies in 2023 included the:
- I Can You Can We Can Foundation
- Enterprise Community Council
- North Coast Sports Academy
- CRCRCDP (Caribbean Respect Campaign and Regionally Community Development Programme) and
- Fairwinds Foundation (Tobago)
The airline also donated supplies to the Sixth Formers’ Association Services (SFAS), a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that provides free classes for students as well as support for underprivileged persons.
Dionne Ligoure, Head of Corporate Communications at Caribbean Airlines, expressed her enthusiasm about the relaunch of the stationery drive, saying, “We are delighted for the opportunity to relaunch our stationery drive, allowing us to partner with a number of community-based organizations to offer support to youths and children in need. We are committed to doing our part to assist our young people, who are among the most vulnerable in our society. This drive is just one of several initiatives Caribbean Airlines has undertaken to positively impact our future leaders.”
Ms. Ligoure extended her gratitude to her colleagues, whose generous contributions were instrumental in the drive’s success. “Their willingness to support this project made it all possible,” she noted. “We are proud of their altruistic spirit and readiness to make a positive difference.”
And Nalini D. Lalla, Caribbean Airlines’ General Counsel/Corporate Secretary and Chairman of the Sustainability Committee added: “Caribbean Airlines is proud to have launched our Sustainability Programme on June 2nd, 2023 as part of our Vision of Connecting the Caribbean Seamlessly and Sustainably. We recognise the importance of the communities we serve by actively supporting our children and young people who need the assistance to grow, learn and lead the future of our region.”
Photo 1 Caption: From Left Twelve-year-old Gabriel Hampton Founder of the I Can You can We can Foundation and Child Rights Ambassador, strike a pose upon collecting stationery items at Caribbean Airlines headquarters in Piarco Trinidad recently. The Foundation assists children throughout T&T in the areas of food, clothing, books and medical assistance.
Photo 2 Caption: On the right Giselle Alleyne, Caribbean Airlines’ Customer Contact Lead Agent based at the ANR Robinson International Airport, presents stationery supplies to Ms. Angela Arnasalam, Chairman and Founder of the Fairwinds Not-For-Profit Foundation which works to help impoverished children residing on the sister isle .
Photo 3 Caption : Caribbean Airlines staff member Nan Je Ye hands over stationery supplies to Dianna Bissoon President of the SFAS. Looking on is the Association’s Vice President Peter Gokool.