Aero services Credit Union Academic Award programme

By April 21, 2020 October 13th, 2020 Caribbean Careers

Caribbean Airlines supports Aeroservices Education Committee

CAL’s cabin crew member Sasha Jameson presents to one of the top three academic performers

Caribbean Airlines was a proud sponsor of the 2019 edition of the Aeroservices Credit Union’s Academic Award programme.

The credit union honored several the top performing students (who are the offspring of some of its longstanding members) and recognized their achievements and excellence in various areas of academics.

The three top performers received one airline ticket each to Tobago, courtesy Caribbean Airlines.

Cabin crew member Sasha Jameson was on hand to present the students with their coveted prize.

Congratulations to all the students on a job well done.  The airline wishes you all the best in your future endeavors.

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