Caribbean Airlines Connects with pupils in Washington

By April 22, 2021 October 7th, 2023 Caribbean Careers

Caribbean Airlines Partners with key stakeholders to inspire youths in Washington DC

On Thursday March 25th Caribbean Airlines partnered with the Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago in Washington D.C. and the Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, to inspire pupils attending the Patterson Elementary School in the Washington district.


During the virtual presentation, Caribbean Airlines’ Vice President, Operations,  Captain Andrew Wood, gave the children a peek into his “office in the skies,” going live from the cockpit of a Boeing 737 aircraft to share about his dream job, much to the children’s delight.

The pupils were also introduced to Trinidad & Tobago’s rich history and culture during the informative session which was held under the theme: “Our borders are closed, but our hearts are open”. The presentations showcased what the twin-island nation offers.

This initiative was spearheaded by Culture and Public Affairs Attaché at Trinidad and Tobago Embassy, Washington D.C., Mrs. Joan Brammer, as part of their School Adoption programme in the D.C. Public Schools. (Mrs. Brammer was a former flight attendant with BWIA).

Caribbean Airlines Head of Corporate Communications Dionne Ligoure stated: “Caribbean Airlines Corporate Social Responsibility programme has three (3) areas of focus. One area is Education, which we have themed “Caribbean Lift-off”.  In our interaction with educational and other institutions, we focus on inspiring minds and providing information on careers in aviation.  With the onset of the pandemic, thankfully, we have been able to execute these initiatives virtually.”

She continued, “On this occasion, it was gratifying to partner with the  Trinidad and Tobago Embassy in D.C. and the  Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago to enliven the young minds at Patterson Elementary School.”

Since the beginning of the school term in 2021,  Caribbean Airlines has  virtually connected with a number of schools throughout the region and North America, to provide career guidance and motivate students.

Some of the schools with which the airline has interacted thus far include:

  • Corinaldi Avenue Primary, Montego Bay Jamaica
  • Arima North Secondary-Trinidad
  • Excelsior High School – Kingston Jamaica
  • University of Southern Caribbean (USC)-Trinidad
  • Windward Road Primary- Kingston Jamaica
  • Sangre Grande Secondary – Trinidad
  • Patterson Elementary, Washington D.C.

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